obd port

Car crime, encompassing vehicle theft and other related offences, is a pressing concern for urban areas worldwide, and Glasgow is no exception.

We’ve touched on car crime hotspots previously (including Manchester and London) but never touched upon car crime north of the border in our home city of Glasgow.

With its rich industrial history and vibrant culture, Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city (but not capital) and a significant economic hub. However, like many metropolitan areas, it faces challenges with car crime.

This blog delves into the current state of car crime in Glasgow, examines the latest statistics, explores methods used by thieves, and discusses measures YOU can take to prevent vehicle theft.

Latest Statistics on Car Crime in Scotland and Glasgow

To understand the scale and impact of car crime, it is essential to look at the latest available statistics.

According to the Scottish Government’s “Recorded Crime in Scotland” report, there were 7005 recorded vehicle-related thefts in Scotland in the year ending March 2023.

This figure represents a slight decrease compared to the previous year, indicating some progress in combating car crime. That said, if you’re one of the thousands of people who fall victim to car thieves every year, it’s not much consolation.

Glasgow, as Scotland’s largest city, naturally accounts for a significant portion of these incidents.

Police Scotland’s data shows that Glasgow reported 1,540 vehicle thefts during the same period. This makes up approximately 22% of the total vehicle-related thefts in Scotland, highlighting the city’s prominence in this area of crime.

The hottest of crime hot spots are the Canal ward incorporating the Port Dundas area of Glasgow which saw 277 car crimes recorded in the last five years to date – an average of over 55 a year.

The Canal ward covers the area to the north of the city from Sighthill Park to Cadder and includes areas like Ruchill, Lambhill, Possilpark, Milton and Parkhouse. Incidentally, if you live around the Clydebank Waterfront or East Kilbride, you’re in the safest area, but even those aren’t immune.

While the overall trend in Scotland shows a marginal decline, Glasgow’s figures indicate a need for ongoing vigilance and targeted efforts to curb these offences and that’s where we come in.

Methods Thieves Use to Steal Cars

Understanding how car thieves operate is crucial for developing effective prevention strategies. Here are some of the most common methods used by criminals to steal vehicles. These are the most commonly used:

  1. Keyless Car Theft (Relay Attacks): Most modern vehicles with keyless entry systems are increasingly targeted by thieves using relay attacks. Criminals use devices to capture the signal from the car owner’s key fob inside their home and relay it to the car, tricking it into unlocking and starting. This method can be executed in under a minute, making it a preferred choice for increasingly tech-savvy thieves.
  2. OBD Port Hacking: The On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) port, another standard feature in modern vehicles, can be exploited by thieves to reprogram a blank key fob. Using specialised equipment, they access the car’s computer system via the OBD port and create a new key, allowing them to drive away with the vehicle.
  3. Smash and Grab: A more traditional and low-tech method involves simply breaking a car window to gain entry. Once inside, thieves either hot-wire the ignition or use other means to start the vehicle. This method is less sophisticated but still prevalent, particularly for older car models without advanced security features.
  4. Signal Jamming: Some thieves use signal jammers to block the signal from a car’s key fob, preventing it from locking. The owner may walk away, thinking the car is secured, while the thief hanging around nearby gains easy access.
  5. Tow-Away Theft: In some cases, thieves simply tow the vehicle away to a different location where they can work on disabling security systems without the risk of being caught in the act in the middle of a busy city.

Effective Measures to Prevent Car Theft

Preventing car theft requires a combination of awareness, technology and proactive measures. Here are several strategies that can help protect your vehicles from being stolen and becoming another statistic.

  1. Secure Your Key Fob: To combat relay attacks, store your key fob in a Faraday pouch, which blocks the signal and prevents thieves from capturing it. Additionally, keeping key fobs away from doors and windows can reduce the risk of signal interception.
  2. Use Physical Barriers: Physical deterrents such as steering wheel locks, gearstick locks, and wheel clamps can make it more challenging for thieves to drive away with your car. While they may not prevent theft entirely, they add an extra layer of security that can deter opportunistic criminals.
  3. Install an Alarm System: An audible car alarm can deter thieves by drawing attention to their activities. Modern alarm systems often come with additional features such as motion sensors and GPS tracking, providing enhanced security.
  4. Utilise Vehicle Tracking Systems: GPS-based tracking systems like those in our store enable real-time location tracking of your vehicle. In the event of theft, these systems can assist the Police in quickly recovering the stolen vehicle. Some insurance companies offer discounts for vehicles equipped with tracking systems, recognising their effectiveness in theft prevention. Start by checking out our range of S5 and S7 trackers.
  5. Secure Parking: Whenever possible, park in well-lit, busy areas. Thieves are less likely to target vehicles in locations where they can be easily observed. Additionally, if you have a garage, use it. Parking inside a locked garage adds an extra layer of protection.
  6. Regularly Update Vehicle Software: Manufacturers often release software updates to fix security vulnerabilities. Regularly updating your vehicle’s software, particularly if you have an EV, can help protect against new hacking techniques used by thieves.
  7. Etching and Marking: Etching the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) onto windows and major parts can make it more difficult for thieves to sell stolen parts. Marking systems like SmartWater or Datatag can also deter thieves and aid in recovery if a vehicle is stolen.
  8. Be Vigilant: Stay aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. Community vigilance can play a significant role in deterring car theft whether you’re in Glasgow or not!

The Role of Law Enforcement and Community Initiatives

Police Scotland has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing car crime, including increased patrols in high-risk areas, public awareness campaigns and collaboration with local communities.

Initiatives such as the “We Don’t Buy Crime” campaign encourage residents to take proactive steps in securing their vehicles and report any suspicious activities. There’s also the ‘ParkMark’ scheme which aims to offer safer and more accessible parking.

Community involvement is crucial in the fight against car crime. Neighborhood watch programs and community policing efforts can foster a sense of collective responsibility and vigilance. By working together, residents can create an environment where car thieves find it increasingly difficult to operate.

There’s no denying that car crime remains a significant issue in Glasgow and countless other large towns and cities across the UK. It reflects broader trends in urban areas around the world.

While the latest statistics show some progress in reducing vehicle-related thefts, the city still faces challenges that require ongoing attention and innovative solutions. No matter where you live, understanding the methods used by thieves and implementing robust prevention measures are essential steps in protecting vehicles from theft.

By combining personal vigilance, technological solutions, and community cooperation, Glasgow and every city can continue to make strides in reducing car crime and ensuring the safety and security of its residents and their vehicles.

Remember, when these initiatives come to an end, you can always be sure that Infiniti Tracking will still be here to provide your car security needs in Glasgow or furter afield. We have an incredible range of trackers for your car, bike, motorhome or van to keep your vehicles safe in our store and a dedicated team on hand to help you find the best system for you. When you’re ready to secure your prixed possessions give us a call on 0330 043 3993 between 9am and 6pm, Mon – Fri and we’ll start to keep you safe with installation UK-wide.

The techniques thieves use to steal your car have evolved over the years, often mirroring or utilising the technology the cars themselves have adopted.

In the 1980s when car ownership, and therefore car theft, was beginning to skyrocket, the method was fairly simplistic. Thieves would either smash a window or put a screwdriver into your door lock to gain entry, then break your ignition barrel, hot-wire the car and drive away.

This was the age of bright yellow steering wheel locks, wheel clamps and gear-stick locks which aimed to deter these brutal attacks. As cars became more sophisticated, so did the method the thieves would use.

Fast forward to today, the brute force attacks whilst they have not disappeared completely, thieves employ a whole raft of far more advanced techniques to get into your car and drive it away. One of the most devious of these is known as key cloning


Key cloning, as the name suggests, is the process of creating a perfect copy of your car key by cloning its electronic signature. This obviously will only work on cars that have keyless entry or remote locking, but that’s standard on almost all modern cars these days.

You might be wondering how thieves get a hold of your keys to create a clone of it, but they’re one step ahead of you.

Thieves will look for any location where you are separated from, not only your car but also your keys for an extended period. This could be at a less-reputable car repair garage or when using valet parking or cleaning services. In fact anywhere where you have to leave your key behind and they can gain access to it.

Once they have it, even for a short period, they can begin the process of duplicating the data held within.

Even without your key, thieves can also utilise your car’s OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) port to clone your key. You can read more about how thieves can hijack the OBD port on a previous blog linked here.


As the technology within our cars has evolved, so too have the tools thieves use to steal them. Key cloning is no exception. All they need is a transponder, some blank keys and the cloning machine.

Once thieves have your key, they may try and steal the car immediately, steal it later in the day or even wait for you to return and follow you home and steal it from your property when you are inside.

The equipment they need to clone your key isn’t as hard to find as you might think. The same systems are used by legitimate garages and locksmiths who may need to help you get into your car if you lost your keys and need to create a new one. It’s when it’s used by nefarious types that the problems start.

These devices are relatively cheap to buy and quick to use and, once they have the equipment, they can use it again and again on hundreds, if not thousands of other potential victims.


As with any type of car security, the more weapons you have in your arsenal to protect your vehicle, the better and safer it will be.

Obviously, if you absolutely have to leave your car keys with someone else, make sure it’s a reputable business you’re using and, where possible, fit something to your car that lets you know what’s happening with your vehicle when you’re not around. The perfect solution for that is a tracker.

Trackers will help you locate your vehicle when you’re not present via a dedicated smartphone app. You can get alerts when it’s started or moved and see it in real time.

All of the trackers in our store will offer this functionality, but if you really want to go one step further, then you’ll need a system that also blocks the OBD port, rendering it useless.

Whilst it won’t stop them from copying your key (let’s face it, nothing can guarantee that 100% of the time), it does remove an option for would-be thieves, rendering your car a less attractive proposition.

There are three trackers in particular, the ScorpionTrack S5-VTSMeta-Trak S5-VTS and the Tracker S5 Plus which all come with the ability to protect your OBD port from external hacking attempts.

Each one of them gives you the peace of mind to know that your car will be as secure as it can be. However, should the worst happen and it is stolen, each one comes with a raft of alerts and notifications so you can track it and liaise with the respective 24/7 control centre and/or Police forces to ensure your car is located and returned to you as quickly as possible.

Car security has always and probably will always be a game of cat-and-mouse between thieves and the security devices designed to thwart them. As security improves, thieves will always try and find a way around it, but with any of the trackers we sell here at Infiniti, you know that it’s a game you’re more likely to win with us on your side.

We have a wide range of trackers to suit every budget, every vehicle and every circumstance.

Installation is available anywhere in the mainland UK.

⚬ We have a team of experts ready to help you make the right decision when it comes to securing your car.

If you’re looking to take the first steps to secure your vehicle, then please know we’re available Monday to Friday between 9 am – 6 pm  on 0330 043 3993 to answer any of your queries. Give us a call and let’s get your car, van, motorbike or motorhome fitted with one of our incredible trackers before it’s too late.

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