ScorpionTrack S5 VTS

In today’s era of advanced vehicle security, investing in a reliable car tracker is essential for safeguarding your prized possession against theft.

Among the plethora of options available, Thatcham-approved S5-rated trackers stand out as the gold standard in providing comprehensive security solutions.

Among these, three names consistently rise to the top; the ScorpionTrack S5 VTS, Meta Track S5 VTS, and the SmarTrack S5 D-iD. In this blog, we’ll delve into the features of each of these incredible trackers and explore why they are hailed as the best S5-rated Thatcham trackers in the UK and how you can buy them from us.

ScorpionTrack S5 VTS

As a company, ScorpionTrack products have always stood out for their comprehensive security features and reliable performance and the S5 VTS is no exception.

Its automatic driver recognition and tamper alerts make it an excellent choice for those seeking robust protection against theft and unauthorised access. Moreover, its extensive European coverage ensures peace of mind for travellers.

In addition, its vast array of features includes:

  1. Phone Tag Feature: Use your Smartphone as an ADR tag (optional). This removes the need to carry a tag or fob, giving customers a convenient and user-friendly S5 tracking system.
  2. 24/7 Monitoring: The ScorpionTrack S5 VTS offers round-the-clock monitoring, ensuring your vehicle is protected at all times. It employs advanced GPS/GSM technology to track your vehicle’s location accurately.
  3. Automatic Driver Recognition: As mentioned earlier, this tracker utilises automatic driver recognition (ADR) technology, meaning it recognises authorised drivers automatically. Unauthorised access triggers instant alerts to the monitoring centre (see above), enabling swift action.
  4. Battery Disconnect Alerts: In case of a battery disconnect, the system sends alerts to the monitoring centre, allowing them to respond promptly to the situation.
  5. European Coverage: ScorpionTrack offers extensive coverage not only in the UK but also across Europe, ensuring your vehicle’s security even when travelling abroad.

Meta Track S5 VTS

Next on the list is the S5-VTS from Meta Track. This tracker stands out for its advanced features, including ADR tags and geofencing, which provide added layers of security and control.

Furthermore, it comes with:

  1. Advanced GPS Tracking: Meta Track S5 VTS employs cutting-edge GPS technology to provide precise location tracking of your vehicle. It offers real-time monitoring through its dedicated mobile app and web platform.
  2. Automatic Driver Recognition: One of the standout features of the S5 tracker is its ADR capability. In case of theft without the tag, the 24-hour monitoring centre will be alerted and can start the recovery process.
  3. Geofencing: Meta Track allows you to set up geofencing zones, enabling you to receive alerts whenever your vehicle enters or exits a designated area. This feature is particularly useful for monitoring vehicle movement in specific locations.
  4. Battery Backup: In the event of a battery disconnect, Meta Track’s built-in battery backup ensures uninterrupted tracking and communication with the monitoring centre.
  5. Thatcham Approved: As another S5-rated Thatcham tracker, Meta Track offers a high level of security and meets the stringent standards set by industry-leading Thatcham Research.

SmarTrack S5 D-iD

SmarTrack S5 D-iD stands out for its phone tag system, another feature that makes the S5 tracking system the ultimate in convenience and security.

Moreover, its motion detection feature provides proactive alerts in the event of unauthorised movement, enhancing overall security.

  1. Phone Tag Feature: Use your Smartphone as an ADR tag (optional). This removes the need to carry a tag or fob, giving customers a convenient and user-friendly S5 tracking system.
  2. Motion Detection: The tracker features motion detection technology, which triggers alerts in case of unauthorised movement or towing of the vehicle.
  3. European Coverage: Similar to ScorpionTrack, SmarTrack offers European coverage, making it suitable for those who frequently travel across borders.
  4. Battery Disconnect Alerts: Like other top-tier trackers, SmarTrack S5 D-iD sends alerts in case of a battery disconnect, allowing for immediate action to be taken.
  5. Insurance Approved: Being Thatcham S5-rated, SmarTrack S5 D-iD is widely accepted by insurance companies, potentially leading to lower insurance premiums.

In conclusion, ScorpionTrack S5 VTS, Meta Track S5 VTS, and SmarTrack S5 D-iD are among the very best S5-rated Thatcham trackers available in the UK, each offering unique features tailored to meet the diverse needs of vehicle owners and we are proud to stock all three in our store, complete with free nationwide installation included.

Whether it’s automatic driver recognition, remote immobilisation or Smartphone tag functionality, all of these trackers provide robust security solutions to safeguard your vehicle against theft and unauthorised access.

When it comes to protecting your valuable assets, investing in any of these trackers, or the dozens of others in our store, is a prudent decision that offers you peace of mind and enhanced security. Don’t forget we can come and install any trackers at a time and place to suit you.

When you’re ready to make the best security decision of your life, call our team on 0330 043 3993 who are available between 9 am and 6 pm, Mon – Fri and we can arrange the installation, whether at your home or work at a time that’s convenient to you. You won’t regret it.

In the world of car ownership, saving money is often a key factor, especially in these difficult economic times.

From fuel efficiency to maintenance costs, from styling to security, every aspect of vehicle ownership demands puts a drain on the wallet. One often overlooked area where substantial savings can be achieved is car insurance.

In the UK, where insurance premiums are mandatory but can also be pretty steep, finding ways to reduce these costs is essential.

Fortunately, advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative solutions, such as car trackers, which not only enhance security but also offer potential discounts on insurance premiums.

Let’s delve into the world of car trackers and explore some of the best options available in the UK market to help you drive down your insurance costs.

Understanding Car Trackers and Insurance Savings

Car trackers, also known as telematics devices, are sophisticated gadgets that utilise GPS technology to monitor and track the location, movement and sometimes even the behaviour of a vehicle.

Insurance companies have increasingly embraced the use of these devices to offer usage-based insurance (UBI) policies. These policies allow insurers to assess a driver’s risk profile more accurately by monitoring their driving habits, such as speed, braking and mileage.

For responsible drivers, this presents an opportunity to prove their low-risk status and consequently secure lower insurance premiums.

By installing a car tracker and agreeing to share driving data with their insurer, drivers can potentially save hundreds of pounds annually on their insurance premiums.

With the UK’s insurance costs notoriously high, such savings can significantly affect household budgets, but which trackers really help reduce those premiums? Let’s take a look at three of the best.

Benefits of Car Trackers Beyond Insurance Savings

While the potential for insurance savings is undoubtedly appealing, car trackers offer additional benefits, beyond the peace of mind they offer, that enhance the overall driving experience:

  • Enhanced Security: Many car trackers come equipped with features such as real-time GPS tracking and geofencing, which can help locate and recover stolen vehicles quickly.
  • Improved Driving Habits: By monitoring driving behaviour, car trackers encourage safer driving habits, reducing the risk of accidents and promoting road safety.
  • Fleet Management: For businesses with vehicle fleets, car trackers provide valuable insights into driver behaviour, fuel efficiency and maintenance schedules, helping to optimise operations and reduce costs.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that their vehicle is equipped with a tracking device can provide drivers with peace of mind, especially in high-theft areas or when lending their car to others.

1. ScorpionTrack S5 VTS

If you’re looking for a tracker that ticks all the boxes in terms of features and will also please your insurance company, then look no further than the S5 VTS from ScorpionTrack.

With the rise of increasingly elaborate workarounds to counteract the protections trackers offer, the S5 VTS has a few tricks up its sleeve.

It boasts a myriad of features to help prevent most modern theft methods such as key theft, key cloning and OBD hacking. If you’re looking for a tracker that has it all, including a way to reduce your premiums, this is it.

2. Meta Trak S5 VTS

One of the most cost-effective S5 trackers you can buy, it also meets Thatcham’s strict CAT-5 and S5 criteria meaning it’s insurance-approved and perfect to secure your vehicle.

Approved by Škoda, Seat and Volkswagen, this powerhouse of a tracker gives you access to their 24/7 Control Centre via its dedicated app and puts a whole host of notifications and alerts right in the palm of your hand.

Being an S5-rated tracker, you also get Driver ID tags which give you another level of protection. These small pieces of cutting-edge tech mean that, if they’re not in close proximity to the vehicle, it won’t start and even if it does move, both the control centre and you (vai the app) will get instant notifications.

There are few trackers but than this one, but it’s not the only one that can help reduce your premiums.

3. ScorpionTrack S7 ALS

Not only is the ScorpionTrack S5 VTS one of the best trackers you can buy right now, especially if you’re looking to reduce your insurance premiums, but it’s also one of the most cost-effective.

As you would expect from a company like ScorpionTrack, the S7 comes with a host of features to help you keep your car secure (something your insurance company will love) but, if you manage a fleet, then it also includes a host of advanced features that you’ll love to manage things like journey history, multi-vehicle tracking and geofencing.

Not only that, like it’s big brother above, it’s also manufactured in the UK to the Police Preferred Specification so you can be sure you’re getting an amazing system that both you and your insurer will love.

Keep Your Insurance Premium Down!

Car insurance premiums, especially in the UK, can be a significant financial burden, so finding ways to reduce costs is crucial.

Car trackers like those mentioned above, whilst not an exhaustive list, all offer a compelling solution by not only enhancing security but also potentially lowering your insurance premiums through usage-based insurance policies.

By monitoring driving behaviour and rewarding safe drivers, these devices empower motorists to take control of their insurance costs and drive more responsibly.

With an even wider range of options available on our website, drivers have the opportunity to choose the best car tracker that suits their needs and budget, ultimately leading to greater savings and peace of mind on the road.

These three trackers are only a small selection from the huge range of trackers we have available. If you’re not sure which is the best tracker for you, please give our team a call on 0330 043 3993 and we’d be happy to help you. We’re ready to take your call between 9 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday.

With the cold weather looming, Christmas on its way (we know!) and the cost of heating going through the sunroof, it’s time to turn your attention to securing your vehicle over the winter.

With the new year approaching, the peak months for many car thefts, making sure your car, motorhome, motorbike or sleigh is secure is going to be vital in having a peaceful, stress-free festive period.

With that in mind, we thought it would be useful to give you some fantastic tips to help you secure your vehicle this winter.


One of the most common ways thieves can steal your car isn’t through a technically advanced technique involving gadgets or trickery, it’s by getting in and driving away with your own key!

Frost-jacking, as it’s known, occurs when you leave your car unattended to warm up.

As you try to get yourself and the family ready for school or work, many people will go out and start their car, then leave it alone.

They will allow it to idle, either to warm up the interior or defrost the windscreens after a snow shower or frosty morning (often both). This obviously involves leaving your key in the ignition and vehicle unattended, but that’s the problem.

Thieves, often opportunists, will walk around neighbourhoods looking for this exact pattern. When they see an unattended vehicle ticking over, they simply get in and drive away.

The easiest way to stop yourself becoming a victim to frost-jacking is obviously not to do it. Do not leave your car unattended with the engine running!

Most modern cars warm up very quickly and many come with heated windscreens, so there’s often no real need to anyway. If you can cover it overnight to protect it from snow and frost, then there will be even less reason to, and less opportunity for thieves to steal your vehicle.


Just a couple of years ago, 92% of the cars that were stolen from homes were done so without the use of a key. Whilst that figures sounds staggering, and it is, remember many modern cars don’t come with a traditional key anyway, but that hasn’t stopped thieves from exploiting the technology to their own gains.

To steal your keyless entry car, many car thieves use a technique called a Relay Attack.

This involves a team of thieves, one of which stands near your door (they’ll rely on the fact you’ll store your car keys near your front door) and by using a device to scan for the signal omitted by your key fob, transmit the signal to their accomplice who’s next to you car with a receiver.

Once the signal is received, your car will open and off they’ll drive. To combat this, there are trackers that can help.


The ScorpionTrack S5 VTS and its big brother the S5+ with immobilisation are both designed and manufactured to the Police’s preferred specification.

Not only that, they both will help protect your vehicle from Relay Attack in addition to key cloning and On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) hacking.

 Stay warm with a collection of incredible trackers to keep you moving this winter.

 Benefit from UK-wide installation from our team of accredited engineers.

 Don’t fall victim to winter car crime.

20 winters have come and gone since we started Infiniti Tracking. so we can be confident that you will get the best products at the best prices, with installation available throughout the UK. Don’t be left out in the cold, our team is available from 9 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday on 0330 043 3993 to help you get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing your car is secured this winter, and for years to come.

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