With the British summer hopefully just around the corner, thoughts turn to holidays, time off work and a couple of weeks spent stress-free with the family. For those of you who enjoy a caravan holiday, that stress doesn’t always disappear completely.

When it comes to protecting your valuable caravan, having a reliable tracker is just as essential a piece of kit as a suitcase and sun lotion.

A caravan tracker not only enhances the security of your vehicle but also provides peace of mind knowing that you can locate it quickly if it’s ever stolen.

In this blog, we will explore three of the best caravan trackers available to you. Each of these trackers offers a unique set of features designed to keep your caravan safe and secure and these are just three of the incredible systems available in our store designed specifically to secure your home on wheels.

MetaTrak S7 Caravan Tracker

Let’s start big! Not by the size of the caravan, but by the latest and most advanced tracker you can currently buy, the MetaTrak S7 Caravan Tracker.

This incredible piece of kit uses state-of-the-art GPS technology to provide accurate real-time tracking. This means you can monitor the exact location of your caravan at any time, from anywhere thanks to its dedicated app.

In addition, by using its 2x ID tags, the system can also differentiate whether the camera is being towed by you, or someone with less than honest intentions. Something that’s historically been a problem with a lot of other tracking systems.

If your caravan is moved without authorisation, you will receive instant notifications via SMS, email, or app notifications. This prompt alert system allows for quick action, potentially preventing theft.

The Geo-Fencing feature allows you to set virtual boundaries for your caravan. If your vehicle crosses these pre-defined boundaries, you will be notified immediately. This is particularly useful for ensuring that your caravan remains within a designated area, like a caravan park or even stored out of season.

Of course, the joy of a caravan is its independence. As such, the MetaTrak S7 comes with a built-in battery backup, ensuring that it remains operational even if the main power supply is disconnected. This feature is crucial in situations where thieves attempt to disable the tracker by cutting the power.

With comprehensive nationwide coverage, the Meta Caravan Tracker ensures that your vehicle can be tracked anywhere within the UK. This extensive coverage provides peace of mind, knowing that your caravan is protected no matter where you travel. You really can’t go wrong with this amazing tracker.

ScorpionTrack S7 Caravan Defender

Whilst the previous tracker is great, the ScorpionTrack S7 Caravan Tracker is no slouch either.\

It’s Thatcham-approved, which means it meets the highest standards for vehicle security. This tells you a lot about the device itself, but this industry approval can also often help in reducing insurance premiums, adding an extra layer of financial benefit.

ScorpionTrack S7 Caravan Defender

With 24/7 monitoring services, the ScorpionTrack S7 ensures that your caravan is always under watch. Any unauthorised movement triggers an alert to the monitoring centre, where operators can take immediate action.

The tracker is also equipped with advanced motion-sensing technology. It comes includes a switch, with an optional security key, which will arm/disarm the tracker. If triggered, an alert will be sent to the 24/7 Control Centre should your caravan be moved when the system is armed.

If any unusual movement is detected, the system will alert you instantly. This feature is particularly useful for detecting potential theft attempts before they happen.

Like any modern vehicle security system, the ScorpionTrack S7 offers seamless integration with mobile apps, allowing you to monitor your caravan directly from your smartphone.

Even if you’re not particularly tech-savvy, the app provides a user-friendly interface for tracking, alerts and configuring settings.

Whilst this technology might be new to us, it’s not to the team at ScorpionTrack. They have been providing vehicle security since 1973 and the S7 Defender has been designed and manufactured in the UK to Police Preferred Specification so you know you’re in safe hands.

SmarTrack S7 Caravan Protector

Last, but by no means least is the S7 Caravan Protector from SmarTrack. This device is approved by many insurance companies, potentially helping you to reduce insurance costs. Its approval signifies that it meets stringent security standards as highlighted by its S7 nomenclature.

Unlike many other trackers that only offer national coverage, the SmarTrack S7 provides global tracking capabilities so if you’re off travelling around Europe, or even further afield this summer this is ideal for you and your caravan.

This is especially useful as the tracker also records the journey history of your caravan, allowing you to review past trips. This feature can be useful for keeping track of travel routes and ensuring that the caravan has not been moved without your knowledge.

The SmarTrack S7 offers multiple types of alerts to give you peace of mind, including movement, low battery and tamper alerts. These comprehensive alert options ensure that you are always informed about the status of your caravan.

The SmarTrack S7 Caravan Defender has been highly rated for its advanced features, particularly the global coverage. Many of customers appreciate the peace of mind that comes with knowing their caravan is protected not just within the UK but anywhere in the world.

Each of these caravan trackers provides excellent protection, but the best choice will depend on your specific needs and budget. Investing in a reliable caravan tracker not only enhances security but also offers peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your travels without worrying about the safety of your caravan.

For those of you who love the open road and taking part of your home with you, you’ll know that choosing the right caravan tracker goes hand-in-hand with choosing the right caravan.

It’s an essential part of the experience and ensuring the safety and security of your mobile home is as important to us, as it is to you.

Each of the trackers discussed in this blog offers a unique set of features tailored to different needs and preferences, but they’re not the only ones. Take a look at our store, linked here, to see our full range. Remember these work just as well in caravans as they do in motorhomes.

If you need any help choosing the best tracker for your caravan or motorhome (or even your car, motorbike or van) then our dedicated team are on hand to assist you. Just give us a call on 0330 043 3993 between 9 am and 6 pm, Mon – Fri and we’ll be more than happy to help. We also offer UK-wide installation at a date and time to suit you!

Car crime, encompassing vehicle theft and other related offences, is a pressing concern for urban areas worldwide, and Glasgow is no exception.

We’ve touched on car crime hotspots previously (including Manchester and London) but never touched upon car crime north of the border in our home city of Glasgow.

With its rich industrial history and vibrant culture, Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city (but not capital) and a significant economic hub. However, like many metropolitan areas, it faces challenges with car crime.

This blog delves into the current state of car crime in Glasgow, examines the latest statistics, explores methods used by thieves, and discusses measures YOU can take to prevent vehicle theft.

Latest Statistics on Car Crime in Scotland and Glasgow

To understand the scale and impact of car crime, it is essential to look at the latest available statistics.

According to the Scottish Government’s “Recorded Crime in Scotland” report, there were 7005 recorded vehicle-related thefts in Scotland in the year ending March 2023.

This figure represents a slight decrease compared to the previous year, indicating some progress in combating car crime. That said, if you’re one of the thousands of people who fall victim to car thieves every year, it’s not much consolation.

Glasgow, as Scotland’s largest city, naturally accounts for a significant portion of these incidents.

Police Scotland’s data shows that Glasgow reported 1,540 vehicle thefts during the same period. This makes up approximately 22% of the total vehicle-related thefts in Scotland, highlighting the city’s prominence in this area of crime.

The hottest of crime hot spots are the Canal ward incorporating the Port Dundas area of Glasgow which saw 277 car crimes recorded in the last five years to date – an average of over 55 a year.

The Canal ward covers the area to the north of the city from Sighthill Park to Cadder and includes areas like Ruchill, Lambhill, Possilpark, Milton and Parkhouse. Incidentally, if you live around the Clydebank Waterfront or East Kilbride, you’re in the safest area, but even those aren’t immune.

While the overall trend in Scotland shows a marginal decline, Glasgow’s figures indicate a need for ongoing vigilance and targeted efforts to curb these offences and that’s where we come in.

Methods Thieves Use to Steal Cars

Understanding how car thieves operate is crucial for developing effective prevention strategies. Here are some of the most common methods used by criminals to steal vehicles. These are the most commonly used:

  1. Keyless Car Theft (Relay Attacks): Most modern vehicles with keyless entry systems are increasingly targeted by thieves using relay attacks. Criminals use devices to capture the signal from the car owner’s key fob inside their home and relay it to the car, tricking it into unlocking and starting. This method can be executed in under a minute, making it a preferred choice for increasingly tech-savvy thieves.
  2. OBD Port Hacking: The On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) port, another standard feature in modern vehicles, can be exploited by thieves to reprogram a blank key fob. Using specialised equipment, they access the car’s computer system via the OBD port and create a new key, allowing them to drive away with the vehicle.
  3. Smash and Grab: A more traditional and low-tech method involves simply breaking a car window to gain entry. Once inside, thieves either hot-wire the ignition or use other means to start the vehicle. This method is less sophisticated but still prevalent, particularly for older car models without advanced security features.
  4. Signal Jamming: Some thieves use signal jammers to block the signal from a car’s key fob, preventing it from locking. The owner may walk away, thinking the car is secured, while the thief hanging around nearby gains easy access.
  5. Tow-Away Theft: In some cases, thieves simply tow the vehicle away to a different location where they can work on disabling security systems without the risk of being caught in the act in the middle of a busy city.

Effective Measures to Prevent Car Theft

Preventing car theft requires a combination of awareness, technology and proactive measures. Here are several strategies that can help protect your vehicles from being stolen and becoming another statistic.

  1. Secure Your Key Fob: To combat relay attacks, store your key fob in a Faraday pouch, which blocks the signal and prevents thieves from capturing it. Additionally, keeping key fobs away from doors and windows can reduce the risk of signal interception.
  2. Use Physical Barriers: Physical deterrents such as steering wheel locks, gearstick locks, and wheel clamps can make it more challenging for thieves to drive away with your car. While they may not prevent theft entirely, they add an extra layer of security that can deter opportunistic criminals.
  3. Install an Alarm System: An audible car alarm can deter thieves by drawing attention to their activities. Modern alarm systems often come with additional features such as motion sensors and GPS tracking, providing enhanced security.
  4. Utilise Vehicle Tracking Systems: GPS-based tracking systems like those in our store enable real-time location tracking of your vehicle. In the event of theft, these systems can assist the Police in quickly recovering the stolen vehicle. Some insurance companies offer discounts for vehicles equipped with tracking systems, recognising their effectiveness in theft prevention. Start by checking out our range of S5 and S7 trackers.
  5. Secure Parking: Whenever possible, park in well-lit, busy areas. Thieves are less likely to target vehicles in locations where they can be easily observed. Additionally, if you have a garage, use it. Parking inside a locked garage adds an extra layer of protection.
  6. Regularly Update Vehicle Software: Manufacturers often release software updates to fix security vulnerabilities. Regularly updating your vehicle’s software, particularly if you have an EV, can help protect against new hacking techniques used by thieves.
  7. Etching and Marking: Etching the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) onto windows and major parts can make it more difficult for thieves to sell stolen parts. Marking systems like SmartWater or Datatag can also deter thieves and aid in recovery if a vehicle is stolen.
  8. Be Vigilant: Stay aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. Community vigilance can play a significant role in deterring car theft whether you’re in Glasgow or not!

The Role of Law Enforcement and Community Initiatives

Police Scotland has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing car crime, including increased patrols in high-risk areas, public awareness campaigns and collaboration with local communities.

Initiatives such as the “We Don’t Buy Crime” campaign encourage residents to take proactive steps in securing their vehicles and report any suspicious activities. There’s also the ‘ParkMark’ scheme which aims to offer safer and more accessible parking.

Community involvement is crucial in the fight against car crime. Neighborhood watch programs and community policing efforts can foster a sense of collective responsibility and vigilance. By working together, residents can create an environment where car thieves find it increasingly difficult to operate.

There’s no denying that car crime remains a significant issue in Glasgow and countless other large towns and cities across the UK. It reflects broader trends in urban areas around the world.

While the latest statistics show some progress in reducing vehicle-related thefts, the city still faces challenges that require ongoing attention and innovative solutions. No matter where you live, understanding the methods used by thieves and implementing robust prevention measures are essential steps in protecting vehicles from theft.

By combining personal vigilance, technological solutions, and community cooperation, Glasgow and every city can continue to make strides in reducing car crime and ensuring the safety and security of its residents and their vehicles.

Remember, when these initiatives come to an end, you can always be sure that Infiniti Tracking will still be here to provide your car security needs in Glasgow or furter afield. We have an incredible range of trackers for your car, bike, motorhome or van to keep your vehicles safe in our store and a dedicated team on hand to help you find the best system for you. When you’re ready to secure your prixed possessions give us a call on 0330 043 3993 between 9am and 6pm, Mon – Fri and we’ll start to keep you safe with installation UK-wide.

Vehicle theft is a persistent issue worldwide, prompting continuous advancements in security measures. It’s been a game of cat-and-mouse for decades now. Security devices get more advanced, thieves find a way to counter-act those advances prompting manufacturers to get further still. Repeat ad infinitum.

Understanding Thatcham Research’s Vehicle Tracker Categories

Thatcham Research, a renowned UK-based organisation, plays a critical role in setting industry standards for vehicle security.

One of their key contributions is the categorisation of vehicle tracking systems. Among these categories, the S5 and S7 trackers are often discussed due to their specific functionalities and security levels. You’ll see these on our website because they offer a different feature set for consumers, but what do they mean? What is a Category S5 tracker anyway?

With this blog, we wanted to explore what constitutes a Category S5 tracker, how it differs from an S7 category, and why these distinctions matter to us as a supplier and to you, as a consumer.

Before we get into that, let’s take a quick look at Thatcham themselves.

Thatcham Research and Its Role

Thatcham Research, established in 1969, is an authoritative body in automotive security and safety. It works closely with insurers, vehicle manufacturers, and law enforcement agencies to improve vehicle security standards.

Thatcham’s classification of vehicle tracking systems is designed to help consumers and insurers understand the security level provided by various products. The devices with the most advanced, sophisticated and elaborate preventative measures built in get the highest standard, or, in other words, S5.

S5 Trackers

S5 Trackers offer a range of features that other, less sophisticated systems do not, they include:

  • Driver Identification: One of the primary features of an S5 tracker is driver identification. These systems typically include a separate driver identification tag or card, which must be present when the vehicle is started. If the vehicle is started without the tag being present, an alert is sent to the monitoring centre.
  • Real-Time Tracking: S5 trackers offer real-time location tracking, allowing for immediate response in case of theft. This is crucial for recovering stolen vehicles quickly and safely.
  • Automatic Immobilisation: Some S5 systems can also remotely immobilise the vehicle if unauthorised use is detected. This feature helps prevent the vehicle from being moved far from its location once it is identified as stolen.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: These systems are linked to a 24/7 monitoring centre that can immediately respond to theft alerts, including contacting the vehicle owner and, in some cases, the police.
  • Advanced Alert System: S5 trackers can provide various alerts such as tampering, battery disconnection, and unauthorised movement, ensuring comprehensive protection.
  • Insurance Benefits: Vehicles equipped with S5 trackers often qualify for insurance discounts due to the high level of security they provide. Insurers recognise the effectiveness of these systems in preventing and responding to theft.
  • Geofencing: Finally, whilst not exclusive to S5 trackers, this feature allows the owner to set virtual boundaries for the vehicle. If the vehicle crosses these boundaries, an alert is triggered.

S7 Trackers

Of course, S5 trackers aren’t the only ones you can buy in the current market. There are also the S7-rated trackers which offer a little less in terms of features but then they are often cheaper. Their key attributes include:

  • Basic Tracking: S7 trackers provide basic tracking capabilities, including real-time location updates. While they do not have all the advanced features of S5 trackers, they are still effective for monitoring vehicle location.
  • Theft Alerts: These systems can send alerts if the vehicle is moved without authorisation. However, the alert system might not be as comprehensive as S5 trackers.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: Similar to S5, S7 trackers are connected to a monitoring centre that operates round the clock. This ensures that any theft alerts are promptly addressed but won’t have the real-time tracking abilities that S5 trackers do.
  • Lower Cost: S7 trackers are generally more affordable compared to S5 trackers, making them accessible for a wider range of consumers. This cost-effectiveness is achieved by offering fewer advanced features.
  • Insurance Considerations: While S7 trackers can still lead to insurance discounts, the savings might not be as substantial as those provided for S5-equipped vehicles. This is due to the lower level of security and fewer anti-theft features.

Comparing S5 and S7 Trackers

If you’re still wavering between buying an S5 and an S7, then it may be helpful to compare and contrast what they offer to help you decide. Understanding the differences between S5 and S7 trackers is crucial for vehicle owners and insurers alike.

Don’t forget, we have a huge range of both S5 and S7 trackers available in our store and our dedicated team is on hand to help you decide (more on that at the end).

Driver IdentificationRequires a Driver ID tag (or card), adding an extra layer of security by ensuring that only authorised individuals can start the vehicle.Typically does not include driver identification, relying instead on basic tracking and alert features.
Real-Time Tracking & MonitoringBoth provide real-time tracking and 24/7 monitoring, ensuring that vehicle location can be monitored at all times and any alerts can be promptly addressed.
Automatic ImmobilisationOften includes the capability for remote immobilisation, allowing the vehicle to be disabled if unauthorised use is detected.Usually does not offer remote immobilisation, focusing more on location tracking and theft alerts.
Advanced Alert SystemIncludes a comprehensive alert system with features like tampering alerts, battery disconnection alerts, and geofencing.Offers basic alert features, which may include movement alerts but generally lacks the advanced alert capabilities of S5 trackers.
CostHigher cost due to advanced features and enhanced security measures.Lower cost, making it a more budget-friendly option while still providing essential tracking capabilities.
Insurance DiscountsMore likely to result in significant insurance discounts due to the high level of security.May still offer insurance discounts, but these are typically lower compared to those for S5-equipped vehicles.

Whilst it can be confusing, at least at first, Thatcham Research’s categorisation of vehicle tracking systems into S5 and S7 provides everyone with a clear framework for understanding the levels of security offered by different products.

It makes it easier for companies like us to give customers the best options and helps you make the best decisions based on your circumstances.

S5 trackers, with their advanced features like driver identification, automatic immobilisation, and comprehensive alert systems, represent the pinnacle of vehicle security. On the other hand, S7 trackers offer essential tracking and alert capabilities at a more affordable price point.

For vehicle owners, the choice between S5 and S7 trackers will depend on their specific security needs, budget and insurance considerations. By understanding the distinctions between these categories, consumers can make informed decisions that enhance their vehicle’s security and potentially reduce their insurance costs.

Insurers, in turn, can more accurately assess the risk associated with insuring vehicles equipped with these different levels of tracking technology, leading to more tailored and fair premiums, something we can all benefit from.

We hope that blogs helped you understand what an S5 tracker is and how it can help you keep your vehicle secure. As we touched on earlier, if you need any help in finding the best S5 or S7 tracker, or anything in between, please get in touch with our team who can help. They’re available Monday to Friday from 9am and 6pm on 0330 043 3993. Look forward to hearing from you.

In the fast-paced world of business, especially for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), efficient fleet management is crucial.

Whether you’re running a delivery service, transportation company or a fleet of service vehicles, keeping track of your assets is paramount to success.

This is where Scorpion Automotive comes into play, offering cutting-edge fleet tracking solutions tailored for SMEs in the UK. In this blog, we’ll delve into the features and benefits of Scorpion Automotive, and how it can revolutionise the way you manage your fleet.

Understanding Scorpion Automotive

Here at Infiniti, we are incredibly proud to offer Scorpion Automotive as a solution to our fleet customers. They are the leading provider of vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions, specifically designed to meet the needs of SMEs in the UK, so it’s a perfect fit for us and you!

With years of experience and innovation, Scorpion Automotive has developed a suite of features that helps you streamline fleet operations, improve efficiency and ultimately boost profitability.

Key Features for SMEs

Live Mapping

One of the standout features of Scorpion Automotive is its real-time tracking capability. With GPS technology integrated into each vehicle, you can monitor the exact location of your fleet at any given moment via integration with Google Maps and Street View.

This feature is invaluable for optimising routes, responding to customer inquiries and ensuring timely deliveries.

Driver Behaviour Monitoring

Monitoring driver behaviour is essential for promoting safety and reducing risk. Scorpion Automotive tracks various metrics such as speed, harsh braking and acceleration, allowing you to identify and address risky behaviours.

This not only improves safety but can also lead to lower insurance premiums and maintenance costs across your fleet.

Custom Geofencing

Geofencing enables you to create virtual boundaries around specific areas. With Scorpion Automotive, you can set up geofences for customer locations, depots or restricted zones.

You’ll receive alerts whenever a vehicle enters or exits these areas, giving you greater control over your fleet’s movements.

Maintenance Reminders

Keeping your vehicles properly maintained is essential for reliability and longevity. Scorpion Automotive helps you stay on top of maintenance schedules by sending automatic reminders for servicing, inspections and other routine tasks.

By proactively addressing maintenance issues, you can avoid costly breakdowns and downtime.


Scorpion Automotive integrates seamlessly with your business, which allows you to streamline your operations. Additionally, the software provides detailed reports on various metrics, such as fuel consumption, mileage and driver performance, enabling you to make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement.

Benefits for SMEs in the UK

  • Cost Savings: By optimising routes, reducing fuel consumption and minimising vehicle wear and tear, Scorpion Automotive can lead to significant cost savings for your business.
  • Improved Customer Service: With real-time tracking and accurate ETAs, you can provide better service to your customers, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Enhanced Security: Scorpion Automotive’s theft prevention features, such as remote immobilisation and tamper alerts, help protect your valuable assets from theft and unauthorised use.
  • Compliance and Accountability: By monitoring driver behaviour and adherence to regulations, you can ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, reducing the risk of fines and legal issues.
  • Scalability: Whether you’re managing a small fleet or a growing operation, Infiniti Tracking and Scorpion Automotive can scale with your business, adapting to your changing needs and requirements.

When buying through Infiniti Tracking, our Scorpion Automotive fleet tracking software offers a comprehensive fleet tracking solution tailored specifically for SMEs in the UK. With its advanced features, intuitive interface, and proven track record, it’s the ideal choice for businesses looking to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition. If you’re ready to take your fleet management to the next level, consider investing in Scorpion Automotive today.

By leveraging the power of technology and data, you can unlock new opportunities for growth and success, ensuring that your business remains agile, competitive, and profitable in the years to come.

If you want to take control of your fleet management, please give our dedicated Customer Service Team a call on 0330 043 3993 between 9am and 6pm, Mon – Fri and we’ll get your fleet moving in all the right directions.

Car crime remains a prevalent concern in many cities worldwide, and Manchester here in the UK, is no exception.

Following on from a recent blog (linked here) in which we looked at three car crime hotspots in the UK and how they impact those who live and work there, we wanted to delve into those areas in more detail, starting with Manchester.

Despite advancements in vehicle security technology, symbolised by the amazing trackers we sell, criminals continuously adapt their methods to exploit vulnerabilities. It’s a never-ending game of cat-and-mouse and never more prevalent than in large cities like Greater Manchester.

This area and the police force that covers it, are not just limited to the city centre; it also covers large towns like Bolton, Stockport and Rochdale, along with several surrounding smaller suburbs and villages.

The worst district, at least by postcode, is M2 but this includes shopping areas, the Manchester Central Convention Complex (formerly known as the GMEX) and hotel districts, with theft from a motor vehicle representing half of all offences committed here.

As would might expect, car crime drops considerably as you move away from the city centre into the suburbs, with cars parked in the M1 postcode being almost twice as safe as those parked in the city centre but still at a high risk. You’d have to be in M33 to tangibly limit your risk.

Whilst it might seem counter-intuitive, these stats confirm the notion that criminals always prefer the anonymity of bustling shopping districts compared to the quieter suburbs where they might be more noticeable. Hiding in plain sight you might say.

In this article, we delve into the current landscape of car crime in Manchester, exploring recent statistics, common theft techniques employed by thieves and, more importantly, effective preventive measures.

Understanding the Scope

According to recent reports by Greater Manchester Police (GMP), car crime remains a significant issue in the region. Moreover, incidents such as vandalism, break-ins and theft from vehicles contribute to the overall concern regarding vehicle security.

As we’ve previously shown, the city of Manchester has one of the highest rates of car crime in the UK (per 10,000 registered vehicles). In real terms, this means that 3 out of every 10 vehicles are subjected to some form of attack. Hopefully, you’re not one of them.

Methods Employed by Car Thieves

Car thieves employ various tactics ranging from traditional low-fi methods to far more sophisticated techniques. Some of the common strategies include:

Keyless Entry Theft: With the rise of keyless entry systems in almost all modern cars, criminals have adapted by using relay devices to intercept the signals between key fobs and vehicles. By amplifying the key’s signal, thieves can unlock and start vehicles without needing physical access to the keys themselves. You might think they’re safe in your house or bag, but think again.

Jamming Signals: Thieves can also use signal jamming devices to disrupt remote locking systems, preventing owners from properly securing their vehicles. This technique is often employed in crowded areas such as parking lots, where owners may not even notice the failed locking signal.

Lock Picking and Key Cloning: Traditional methods like lock picking and key cloning are still prevalent, especially among more opportunistic thieves. By gaining physical access to the vehicle, criminals can bypass security systems and create duplicates of keys for future thefts.

Towing: Old school for sure, but in some cases, thieves still resort to towing vehicles away to secluded locations where they can dismantle or sell them for parts. Something much more common in larger cities with a steady supply of victims. This method is more common for larger vehicles or those parked in isolated areas. Don’t think that just because you don’t have a luxury or high-end car you’re safe. Thieves looking to steal cars for parts focus on the more ‘everyday’ car because they know the supply for parts is much larger.

Preventive Measures: Safeguarding Your Vehicle

While car crime hotspots like Manchester pose a persistent threat, there are several proactive measures you can take to minimise the risk of theft:

Invest in Security Technology: Consider installing additional security features such as steering wheel locks, wheel clamps, and immobilisers to deter thieves. High-quality alarm systems with motion sensors and GPS tracking capabilities can also help in recovering stolen vehicles. We have a wide range of these right here in our store.

Secure Parking: Where possible, park your vehicle in well-lit, populated areas. Utilise secure parking facilities with CCTV surveillance and manned patrols to reduce the likelihood of theft.

Key Management: Be vigilant with your key fob and avoid leaving it unattended or visible near entry points. Store keys in a secure location within your home to prevent unauthorised access.

Signal Blocking Devices: To combat relay attacks, consider using signal-blocking pouches (like a Faraday case) or cases to shield key fobs from potential interception. These inexpensive accessories can effectively prevent unauthorised access to your vehicle’s entry system.

Regular Maintenance: Keep your vehicle well-maintained to ensure all security features are functioning correctly. Check for any signs of tampering or attempted theft, such as scratches around the locks or dashboard.

Community Vigilance: Stay informed about car crime trends in your area, no matter where you live, and communicate with neighbours to share information and raise awareness. Reporting suspicious activities to the authorities can help prevent future incidents.

Insurance Coverage: Review your insurance policy to ensure adequate coverage against theft and vandalism. Consider adding comprehensive coverage to protect your vehicle in case of theft or damage. We have a range of insurance-approved trackers right here.

There’s no denying that car crime remains a significant concern for motorists in Manchester and across the UK with thieves employing various tactics to steal your vehicles but by understanding the current landscape of car crime and implementing preventive measures, we can help you effectively safeguard your vehicles against theft and vandalism.

By investing in security technology like the incredible trackers in our store, but also practising good key management and staying vigilant, we can all reduce the risk of falling victim to car crime and enjoy peace of mind on the roads of Manchester and further afield.

If you need any help with choosing the right tracker for your car, van, motorbike, motorhome or trailer, please get in touch with our dedicated Customer Support team. They are available between 9 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday, on 0330 043 3993 and will be more than happy to assist you no matter where you live. Remember, UK-wide installations is available at a time and place to suit you.

In today’s era of advanced vehicle security, investing in a reliable car tracker is essential for safeguarding your prized possession against theft.

Among the plethora of options available, Thatcham-approved S5-rated trackers stand out as the gold standard in providing comprehensive security solutions.

Among these, three names consistently rise to the top; the ScorpionTrack S5 VTS, Meta Track S5 VTS, and the SmarTrack S5 D-iD. In this blog, we’ll delve into the features of each of these incredible trackers and explore why they are hailed as the best S5-rated Thatcham trackers in the UK and how you can buy them from us.

ScorpionTrack S5 VTS

As a company, ScorpionTrack products have always stood out for their comprehensive security features and reliable performance and the S5 VTS is no exception.

Its automatic driver recognition and tamper alerts make it an excellent choice for those seeking robust protection against theft and unauthorised access. Moreover, its extensive European coverage ensures peace of mind for travellers.

In addition, its vast array of features includes:

  1. Phone Tag Feature: Use your Smartphone as an ADR tag (optional). This removes the need to carry a tag or fob, giving customers a convenient and user-friendly S5 tracking system.
  2. 24/7 Monitoring: The ScorpionTrack S5 VTS offers round-the-clock monitoring, ensuring your vehicle is protected at all times. It employs advanced GPS/GSM technology to track your vehicle’s location accurately.
  3. Automatic Driver Recognition: As mentioned earlier, this tracker utilises automatic driver recognition (ADR) technology, meaning it recognises authorised drivers automatically. Unauthorised access triggers instant alerts to the monitoring centre (see above), enabling swift action.
  4. Battery Disconnect Alerts: In case of a battery disconnect, the system sends alerts to the monitoring centre, allowing them to respond promptly to the situation.
  5. European Coverage: ScorpionTrack offers extensive coverage not only in the UK but also across Europe, ensuring your vehicle’s security even when travelling abroad.

Meta Track S5 VTS

Next on the list is the S5-VTS from Meta Track. This tracker stands out for its advanced features, including ADR tags and geofencing, which provide added layers of security and control.

Furthermore, it comes with:

  1. Advanced GPS Tracking: Meta Track S5 VTS employs cutting-edge GPS technology to provide precise location tracking of your vehicle. It offers real-time monitoring through its dedicated mobile app and web platform.
  2. Automatic Driver Recognition: One of the standout features of the S5 tracker is its ADR capability. In case of theft without the tag, the 24-hour monitoring centre will be alerted and can start the recovery process.
  3. Geofencing: Meta Track allows you to set up geofencing zones, enabling you to receive alerts whenever your vehicle enters or exits a designated area. This feature is particularly useful for monitoring vehicle movement in specific locations.
  4. Battery Backup: In the event of a battery disconnect, Meta Track’s built-in battery backup ensures uninterrupted tracking and communication with the monitoring centre.
  5. Thatcham Approved: As another S5-rated Thatcham tracker, Meta Track offers a high level of security and meets the stringent standards set by industry-leading Thatcham Research.

SmarTrack S5 D-iD

SmarTrack S5 D-iD stands out for its phone tag system, another feature that makes the S5 tracking system the ultimate in convenience and security.

Moreover, its motion detection feature provides proactive alerts in the event of unauthorised movement, enhancing overall security.

  1. Phone Tag Feature: Use your Smartphone as an ADR tag (optional). This removes the need to carry a tag or fob, giving customers a convenient and user-friendly S5 tracking system.
  2. Motion Detection: The tracker features motion detection technology, which triggers alerts in case of unauthorised movement or towing of the vehicle.
  3. European Coverage: Similar to ScorpionTrack, SmarTrack offers European coverage, making it suitable for those who frequently travel across borders.
  4. Battery Disconnect Alerts: Like other top-tier trackers, SmarTrack S5 D-iD sends alerts in case of a battery disconnect, allowing for immediate action to be taken.
  5. Insurance Approved: Being Thatcham S5-rated, SmarTrack S5 D-iD is widely accepted by insurance companies, potentially leading to lower insurance premiums.

In conclusion, ScorpionTrack S5 VTS, Meta Track S5 VTS, and SmarTrack S5 D-iD are among the very best S5-rated Thatcham trackers available in the UK, each offering unique features tailored to meet the diverse needs of vehicle owners and we are proud to stock all three in our store, complete with free nationwide installation included.

Whether it’s automatic driver recognition, remote immobilisation or Smartphone tag functionality, all of these trackers provide robust security solutions to safeguard your vehicle against theft and unauthorised access.

When it comes to protecting your valuable assets, investing in any of these trackers, or the dozens of others in our store, is a prudent decision that offers you peace of mind and enhanced security. Don’t forget we can come and install any trackers at a time and place to suit you.

When you’re ready to make the best security decision of your life, call our team on 0330 043 3993 who are available between 9 am and 6 pm, Mon – Fri and we can arrange the installation, whether at your home or work at a time that’s convenient to you. You won’t regret it.

London, a bustling metropolis, offers a vibrant tapestry of culture, commerce and history.

However, amidst its grandeur, lies a shadowy underworld of car crime that many of us don’t see, but can be easily impacted by.

From thefts to vandalism, the city’s streets witness a myriad of automotive misdemeanours.

In this blog, we delve into the depths of car crime in London that we touched upon in a previous post, exploring the latest statistics, the methods employed by thieves and crucial tips for prevention.

Unveiling the Scale of Car Crime in London

The streets of London, like most capital cities, have long been plagued by car-related criminal activities, with theft being a significant concern.

According to recent statistics released by the Metropolitan Police, car theft remains a prevalent issue, with thousands of vehicles reported stolen each year.

In 2023 alone, over 25,000 vehicles were reported stolen across London, highlighting the persistent threat posed by car crime in the city.

Furthermore, the data reveals that certain boroughs bear a disproportionate burden of car theft. Areas such as Westminster, Camden and Hackney frequently feature among the hotspots for car crime, indicating a geographical concentration of criminal activity.

These statistics underscore the urgent need for enhanced vigilance and preventive measures to combat car crime effectively and that’s where we come in.

The Tactics of Thieves: Unraveling the Methods Behind Car Theft

Car thieves are adept at exploiting vulnerabilities in vehicles, employing a variety of tactics to accomplish their nefarious objectives. For every new protection, they will (eventually) find a way around it.

One of the most common methods utilised by criminals is keyless car theft, also known as relay theft.

This sophisticated technique involves intercepting the signal that emanates between a key fob and the vehicle, allowing thieves to gain unauthorised access and drive away undetected.

Moreover, thieves often target vehicles parked in secluded or poorly lit areas, where the risk of detection is minimised. Areas like this are often in abundance in cities like London.

Opportunistic criminals may also resort to old-school techniques such as smashing windows or forcibly entering vehicles to steal valuables or even the entire car! No method is off-limit to the most determined car thief.

In addition to traditional theft methods, technology has facilitated the emergence of cyber-enabled car crime. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities within in-vehicle software systems to remotely access and control cars, bypassing traditional security measures. This is becoming particularly widespread as we move towards electric cars and the centralised software they use. Incidentally, if you do have an electric vehicle, you might want to check out this blog.

Strategies to Thwart Car Theft

While the threat of car crime looms large, there are several proactive measures that vehicle owners can adopt to safeguard their prized possessions.

Invest in Anti-Theft Devices: Installing relatively primitive but more visible protections like steering wheel locks, wheel clamps and gearstick guards can serve as effective deterrents against theft. These physical barriers make it significantly more challenging for thieves to abscond with a vehicle because it will take more time, reducing the likelihood of successful theft attempts.

Utilise Tracking Systems: Tracking devices, like those sold in our store, enables owners and the Police to monitor the whereabouts of vehicles in real time. In the event of theft, these systems facilitate swift recovery efforts, increasing the chances of apprehending the culprits and retrieving the stolen vehicle.

Secure Parking: Opting for secure parking facilities equipped with surveillance cameras and adequate lighting can substantially reduce the risk of car theft. Well-lit areas and monitored parking garages serve as deterrents to potential thieves, making it less likely for them to target parked vehicles.

Be Vigilant with Key Management: To mitigate the risk of keyless car theft, owners should adopt precautionary measures such as storing key fobs in signal-blocking pouches (known as Faraday cases) or investing in signal-blocking cases. Additionally, avoiding leaving keys or spare key fobs unattended can help prevent unauthorised access to vehicles.

Stay Updated on Security Measures: Regularly updating vehicle software and security systems is paramount in thwarting cyber-enabled car crime. Manufacturers often release patches and updates to address potential vulnerabilities, including any apps that accompany tracking systems, ensuring that vehicles remain resilient against emerging threats.

Community Vigilance: Establishing neighbourhood watch programs or community initiatives focused on combating car crime fosters a collective sense of security. By encouraging vigilance and prompt reporting of suspicious activities, communities can effectively deter criminals and safeguard against potential threats. You could, for example, set up a WhatsApp group with neighbours to help highlight areas of concern in your street.

Car crime in London, or anywhere for that matter, represents a multifaceted challenge, characterised by evolving tactics and persistent threats.

While the latest statistics underscore the scale of the problem, proactive measures and community engagement offer a beacon of hope in the fight against automotive crime, particularly if a car tracker is fitted.

By fortifying your vehicle’s defences (one of our incredible trackers won’t hurt), staying abreast of emerging threats and remaining vigilant, vehicle owners like us can navigate the urban landscape in London and further afield with greater confidence, safeguarding our prized possessions from the clutches of car crime.

Our dedicated Customer Support team can help you find the perfect tracker for you, whether you live in London or Loughborough, John O’Groats to Land’s End. Our installation team can come to your home or your place of work at a time and date to suit you. Just give us a call on 0330 043 3993 between 9am and 6pm, Mon – Fri and we’ll get your car, van, motorhome or motorbike secured in no time.

In the world of car ownership, saving money is often a key factor, especially in these difficult economic times.

From fuel efficiency to maintenance costs, from styling to security, every aspect of vehicle ownership demands puts a drain on the wallet. One often overlooked area where substantial savings can be achieved is car insurance.

In the UK, where insurance premiums are mandatory but can also be pretty steep, finding ways to reduce these costs is essential.

Fortunately, advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative solutions, such as car trackers, which not only enhance security but also offer potential discounts on insurance premiums.

Let’s delve into the world of car trackers and explore some of the best options available in the UK market to help you drive down your insurance costs.

Understanding Car Trackers and Insurance Savings

Car trackers, also known as telematics devices, are sophisticated gadgets that utilise GPS technology to monitor and track the location, movement and sometimes even the behaviour of a vehicle.

Insurance companies have increasingly embraced the use of these devices to offer usage-based insurance (UBI) policies. These policies allow insurers to assess a driver’s risk profile more accurately by monitoring their driving habits, such as speed, braking and mileage.

For responsible drivers, this presents an opportunity to prove their low-risk status and consequently secure lower insurance premiums.

By installing a car tracker and agreeing to share driving data with their insurer, drivers can potentially save hundreds of pounds annually on their insurance premiums.

With the UK’s insurance costs notoriously high, such savings can significantly affect household budgets, but which trackers really help reduce those premiums? Let’s take a look at three of the best.

Benefits of Car Trackers Beyond Insurance Savings

While the potential for insurance savings is undoubtedly appealing, car trackers offer additional benefits, beyond the peace of mind they offer, that enhance the overall driving experience:

  • Enhanced Security: Many car trackers come equipped with features such as real-time GPS tracking and geofencing, which can help locate and recover stolen vehicles quickly.
  • Improved Driving Habits: By monitoring driving behaviour, car trackers encourage safer driving habits, reducing the risk of accidents and promoting road safety.
  • Fleet Management: For businesses with vehicle fleets, car trackers provide valuable insights into driver behaviour, fuel efficiency and maintenance schedules, helping to optimise operations and reduce costs.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that their vehicle is equipped with a tracking device can provide drivers with peace of mind, especially in high-theft areas or when lending their car to others.

1. ScorpionTrack S5 VTS

If you’re looking for a tracker that ticks all the boxes in terms of features and will also please your insurance company, then look no further than the S5 VTS from ScorpionTrack.

With the rise of increasingly elaborate workarounds to counteract the protections trackers offer, the S5 VTS has a few tricks up its sleeve.

It boasts a myriad of features to help prevent most modern theft methods such as key theft, key cloning and OBD hacking. If you’re looking for a tracker that has it all, including a way to reduce your premiums, this is it.

2. Meta Trak S5 VTS

One of the most cost-effective S5 trackers you can buy, it also meets Thatcham’s strict CAT-5 and S5 criteria meaning it’s insurance-approved and perfect to secure your vehicle.

Approved by Škoda, Seat and Volkswagen, this powerhouse of a tracker gives you access to their 24/7 Control Centre via its dedicated app and puts a whole host of notifications and alerts right in the palm of your hand.

Being an S5-rated tracker, you also get Driver ID tags which give you another level of protection. These small pieces of cutting-edge tech mean that, if they’re not in close proximity to the vehicle, it won’t start and even if it does move, both the control centre and you (vai the app) will get instant notifications.

There are few trackers but than this one, but it’s not the only one that can help reduce your premiums.

3. ScorpionTrack S7 ALS

Not only is the ScorpionTrack S5 VTS one of the best trackers you can buy right now, especially if you’re looking to reduce your insurance premiums, but it’s also one of the most cost-effective.

As you would expect from a company like ScorpionTrack, the S7 comes with a host of features to help you keep your car secure (something your insurance company will love) but, if you manage a fleet, then it also includes a host of advanced features that you’ll love to manage things like journey history, multi-vehicle tracking and geofencing.

Not only that, like it’s big brother above, it’s also manufactured in the UK to the Police Preferred Specification so you can be sure you’re getting an amazing system that both you and your insurer will love.

Keep Your Insurance Premium Down!

Car insurance premiums, especially in the UK, can be a significant financial burden, so finding ways to reduce costs is crucial.

Car trackers like those mentioned above, whilst not an exhaustive list, all offer a compelling solution by not only enhancing security but also potentially lowering your insurance premiums through usage-based insurance policies.

By monitoring driving behaviour and rewarding safe drivers, these devices empower motorists to take control of their insurance costs and drive more responsibly.

With an even wider range of options available on our website, drivers have the opportunity to choose the best car tracker that suits their needs and budget, ultimately leading to greater savings and peace of mind on the road.

These three trackers are only a small selection from the huge range of trackers we have available. If you’re not sure which is the best tracker for you, please give our team a call on 0330 043 3993 and we’d be happy to help you. We’re ready to take your call between 9 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday.

Embarking on a motorhome adventure is a thrilling experience, but ensuring the safety and security of your mobile haven is paramount.

Fortunately, with advancements in technology, motorhome trackers have become an indispensable tool for both security and peace of mind on the road.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the realm of motorhome trackers and explore three of the best options available on the market today.

From real-time location monitoring to advanced security features, these trackers offer a range of functionalities to safeguard your cherished motorhome investment.

1. ScorpionTrack S5 Motorhome Defender

The first one we’d recommend as one of the better motorhome trackers is the S5 Motorhome Defender from ScorpionTrack.

This insurance-approved device comes with Thatcham’s highest security category, which means you’ll get one of the most advanced motorhome trackers available.

As well as the now expected dedicated smartphone app and all the power that gives you, being an S5 system, you also get Automatic Driver Recognition (ADR) tags.

These powerful little devices mean that, without them being close to the vehicle, it simply won’t start. This is especially useful given the nomadic nature of the motorhome.

Whilst you’re out exploring the countryside with the tags safely stored on your person, you can rest assured that your motorhome is going nowhere. Also, if you eventually upgrade your motorhome for another, you can easily transfer it from one vehicle to another.

2. Phantom iTrack Ultimate

Whilst there are several trackers within Phantom’s (aka Moving Intelligence) iTrack range, as the name suggests, the Ultimate is top of the list.

Insurance-approved and meeting Thatcham’s strict S5 criteria, unlike others in the range, it includes built-in immobilisation as standard.

Thanks to the Driver ID tags, the iTrack Ultimate features ‘no tag, no start’ technology allowing the vehicle to be remotely immobilised by the Control Centre in the event of a theft.

In addition, thanks to the dedicated MiPhantom smartphone app and web portal, you can also immobilise the vehicle temporarily via the Valet Mode.

This portal and app also provide you with easy access to important information and reports about your vehicle in real-time, including viewing your vehicle’s location, battery life, mileage and other insights at the simple touch of a button.

3. ScorpionTrack S5+

When it comes to trackers, whether it’s for your motorhome or car, there are few better than the ScorpionTrack S5+.

As you might have guessed by the name, the ‘plus’ really gives it the edge. It already comes with a host of features you’ll need, but, like the Phantom above, it also features ‘No Tag, No Start’ immobilisation technology as standard.

If you’re one of those people who have their smartphone with them wherever you go, then you’ll love this system. Why? Because it includes the option to use a smartphone instead of the physical tags. 

All that on top of the long-list of incredible features that come with it including a wealth of notifications and alerts including battery backup, low battery, tow away & tamper alerts, geofencing, journey history and automatic health checks. It is truly a tracker worth of the name, the price and reputation.

Whether you’re looking for a tracker for your motorhome, car, van or motorbike, we have a host of incredible trackers in our store to suit any vehicle, budget or circumstance. If you need any help or advice, please give our dedicated customer service team between 9 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday, on 0330 043 3993 and we’d be more than happy to assist you.

We know what it’s like. Christmas and the New Year is a distant memory but here we are. It might feel like the 76th of January, money is tight, but you still need to keep everything moving along.

With the rise of car crime across the UK, it’s easy to think it won’t happen to you, but no one is safe so it pays to be secure, even when the purse strings are tightening.

With the economic downturn showing no sign of an uptick, we wanted to put together a list of the best cheap car trackers and security systems available.

As with any cross-section of products you can buy, they’ll range from the ‘cheap and cheerful’ at one end of the scale, to the ‘Rolls Royce’ premium brand at the other. Car trackers are no different, but ‘cheap’ doesn’t have to mean an empty box with no features, there are some amazing products you can get from us without breaking the bank, so let’s take a look at some of them.

SmarTrack Reco S7

The Reco S7 from SmarTrack is our most affordable tracker. It’s one of the latest products from SmarTrack aimed at the ‘hot hatch’ market or those popular cars that are often stolen for parts or by opportunities thieves just looking for a night of madness.

Whilst its DNA might be geared towards those pocket rockets, because it’s so cost-effective, it also works incredibly well protecting caravans and is approved by many insurers, saving you money on your premium.

Don’t think that at this price point, you’re not getting a tracker that meets the high bar set by the industry-leading security team at Thatcham.

Not only is it Thatcham-approved, but it’s also connected to the Global Telemetrics Control Centre 24/7 giving you complete peace of mind.

You also get warnings for battery disconnection and low battery and it also comes with its own backup battery should the device be disconnected from the main car’s battery. All of these are managed by its dedicated smartphone app. It’s hard to get a better tracker for this price!

ScorpionTrack S7 ALS

For the same price as the SmarTrack system above, you can also get the S7 ALS systems from ScorpionTrack, a well-established vehicle security company.

This tracker is not only a fantastic stand-alone system for your car, but it also works brilliantly as a cost-effective fleet-tracking solution with a host of advanced features that you often only get on more expensive systems.

Rated to S7 by industry-leading Thatcham Research, this tracker comes with a free smartphone app giving you access to all the notifications and alerts, including geofence alerts, journey history, low battery and tow-away and tamper alerts, right in the palm of your hand.

Not only that but because it uses a combination of GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and GSM technologies, location tracking is much more accurate and resistant to interference.

Teletrac Trackstar S7

Whilst this tracker might be the most expensive of the three listed here, it still comes in at under £200! Incredible value for a tracker that’s approved by heavy-hitting manufacturers like BMW, Range Rover, Land Rover and Jaguar.

The Trackstar S7 from Teletrac, formerly known as Trafficmaster, gives you global coverage and, thanks to its Trackstar smartphone app, gives you anti-tamper alerts, motion alerts and battery disconnect alerts. It’s also fully transferable to another vehicle.

The other great thing about this tracker is that, at the time of writing, we are offering an extra 6 months FREE subscription when you purchase a 1-year subscription, and an extra 12 months free when purchasing the 3-year option.

The Choice Is Yours!

Whilst these three amazing trackers all offer some of the best value for money, they are only part of the range of trackers we have in our store.

Take some time to browse our range and find the perfect tracker for you, we have something to suit you. If you’re still unsure, then please get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team and we’ll do our very best to find the right system for you, no matter your personal circumstances.

We’re available Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm to answer any of your concerns and help you along the process. Just give us a call on 0330 043 3993 and let’s give you that peace of mind today.

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If you have any questions about any of our products or services, do not hesitate to get in touch.